Do Influencers/Content Creators Need an Attorney?

Whether you are an Influencer, Content Creator, Blogger, or Gamer, you need an attorney to advise you on legal matters and negotiate your contracts.

Five Reasons Influencers Need an Attorney

  1. For branded content or paid partnerships, the Brand or the PR company they have hired, are, more than likely, working with an attorney who is ensuring the rights of their client is protected. That means the Content Creator is dealing with a professional legal adviser who is protecting the brand and not the individual Content Creator.
  2. The Content Creator may be giving up rights without their knowledge or consent. When it comes to brand deals and paid partnerships, there are hidden clauses that could strip the Content Creator of their rights, such as their right of publicity or the use of their image and likeness.
  3. Even if the Content Creator has a manager, and the manager reviews the contracts, it is important for a legal professional to do so. Managers/Agents are great at getting the brand deals, closing out activations and negotiating on the fees and deliverables. However, contracts are legal documents and they need to be reviewed, negotiated and drafted by lawyers.
  4. Sometimes Content Creators do not want to spend the money on legal. However, inadequate contract negotiations end up costing the Content Creator more in the long run. For instance, if the Content Creator unwillingly or unknowingly signs away exclusivity or usage rights, then it may bar them from working with other brands, barring them from making money, and cultivating those relationships with those brands. This is one of many examples of long term costs the Content Creator may encounter without adequate legal representation.
  5. Having someone take care of the legal/contractual aspect of the deal allows the Content Creator the flexibility, time and resources to focus on creating, working on their craft and using their imagination. Plenty of times the back and forth on legal matters, leaves the Content Creator depleted and unwilling to deliver the content adequately. This may lead to the Brand no longer wanting to work with the Content Creator on future deals.

How We Can Help You

We have over five years of experience in this very specific niche of legal representation. We negotiate, draft and review brand deals with fortune 500 companies from around the world.

Contact our office to get help with your next brand deal. Or simply call us at (818) 291-6440.

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